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Lene er har flere års erfaringer med individuelle samtaler, coaching, supervision, undervisning og proceskonsultation. Hun arbejder med den anerkendende tilgang, narrativ teori, og den systemiske og løsningsfokuserede tilgang. Hun har erfaringer både fra Danmark, andre EU-lande og Øst Europa.
Som proces konsulent og underviser lægger Lene stor vægt på at sikre relevansen. Deltagernes konkrete udfordringer tages som udgangspunk for forløbet, og det er vigtigt, at deltagerne går hjem med ideer til konkrete tiltag. Hun har fokus på, at deltagerne skal forlade rummet i stand til at handle anderledes og til at bygge bro over kløften mellem viden og handling. Hun anser refleksion og deltagelse som læringsmetoder og tror på, at nye indsigter og ideer opstår, når man stiller de rette spørgsmål og diskuterer tingene sammen. Hun bruger sin uddannelse og erfaring til at sikre, at deltagere opnår indsigt i, hvad man plejer at gøre, med hvilke konsekvenser, og hvilke innovative løsninger, der kunne føre til alternative resultater.
Som samtalepartner skaber Lene et trygt rum præget af samarbejde og udforskning af den enkeltes udfordringer – både når det gælder private og arbejdsmæssige problemstillinger. Hun stiller spørgsmål, observerer og forsøger at skabe bevidsthed omkring ressourcer og begrænsende mønstre. Herved åbnes der op for nye muligheder.
Lene tror på potentialet i mangfoldighed, når den kombineres med åben kommunikation. Hun ønsker derfor at skabe dialog, både i forhold til effektiv ledelse, konstruktivt teamsamarbejde og konflikthåndtering.
Mail Lene: lmogensen @ in-dialogue.org
Ledelses- og organisationskonsulent
Ba. Political Science and Ba. Systemic Leadership and Organisational Development
Yvor has over 15 years of international experience as consultant, facilitator, trainer and coach. He mostly works in Europe, the US, Canada and Eurasia. His work is based on practical systemic constructionist approaches, which are based on systemic, social constructionist and relational theories, as well as narrative practice. These theories and approaches bring coherency in the way he leads interventions and guides processes of change and learning, flexibly responding to clients’ needs.
Yvor facilitates with clear direction and a supportive sense of humour. He describes his work as being a facilitator of dialogue, to create meaning and/ or participation, whichever is needed given a certain challenge. As a facilitator of dialogue, he believes in the contextualisation of learning, with the people that matter, at the places that matter. Learning and reflection, clearly framed within a (organisational) purpose, lead to tangible solutions and shared directions for change. Yvor is interested in creating belonging in teams, organisations, businesses and communities, and he believes that learning, development and growth arises where a sense of belonging and purpose are widespread or discovered.
As coach and consultant Yvor is inspiring and motivating. He supports and encourages people in learning and change processes in developing their ideas into feasible and visionary actions where past successes meet future ambitions.
Mail Yvor: ybroer @ in-dialogue.org
MSc. in Systemic Leadership and Organisational Development, MSc Psychology (DK)
Associate leadership and organisational consultant
Raj started his career as a teacher who was particularly interested in how children came to understand the position of a learner and what it entailed for their personal growth. He was interested in how children learnt and what motivated them to learn. This was particularly relevant in terms of enculturation and Vygotsky’s ideas about the role of community and the zone of proximal development. The interest in children’s capacity to learn led him to become interested in psychology and to qualify as an educational psychologist.
As an educational psychologist working in the community he developed his interest and skills further by becoming familiar through practice and learningwith psychotherapeutic and systemic approaches that focused on attachment, social constructionism and psychoanalytic ideas. Raj worked in a CAMHS clinic as a psychologist and a therapist. He developed his ways of working by undergoing training at the Tavistock Centre and Institute of Group Analysis. Over the last few years, his work has evolved to supporting children and adults with complex and multiple difficulties including challenging behaviour.
Raj facilitates practice for adults working with these complex children and young people through modelling, training, supervision groups for practitioners, and consultation. A key aspect of these is to facilitate and generate within the staff a sense of naïve curiosity to encourage exploration of their beliefs and the beliefs of the other. Language becomes an instrument of inquiry of self and others. The use of language to label experiences also becomes a subject of reflexive inquiry.
Mail Raj: rsinghgill @ in-dialogue.org
Møllehusvej 107
4000 Roskilde
+45 36 96 58 51
Bockenbergstraat 53
2802 JT Gouda
The Netherlands
+31 30 32 00 851
Møllehusvej 107
4000 Roskilde
+45 36 96 58 51
Bockenbergstraat 53
2802 JT Gouda
The Netherlands
+31 30 32 00 851