Organisationer vi har arbejder med
Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education, Denmark
Center for Frivilligt Socialt Arbejde, Denmark
Danmarks Statistik, Denmark
Nederlands Jeugdinstituut (NJi), Netherlands
DAP, Denmark
Eurodesk, Netherlands
City of Utrecht, Netherlands
City of Gouda, Netherlands
SNJ, Luxembourg
ILGA Europe, Belgium
RFSL, Sweden
Gustav Stresseman Institut e.V., Germany
RFSL Ungdom, Sweden
Dansk Røde Kors, Denmark
Dannerhuset, Denmark
NELFA, Europe
ICCO/ Kerk in Actie, Netherlands
Red Cross, Netherlands
International Red Cross, Switzerland
KPH, Poland
ISHV, Switzerland
British Council, Netherlands and UK
DUF, Denmark
MetroCentre, UK
Frivilligcenter Gentofte, Denmark
Frivilligcenter Slagelse, Denmark
Danfoss A/S, Denmark
Logstor A/S, Denmark
IBM, Denmark
Cyclus, Netherlands
University of Oulu, Finland
ISSBS, Slovenia
IEDC Bled School of Management, Slovenia
ROC Amsterdam, Netherlands
CINOP, Netherlands
University of Stockholm, Sweden
University of Ulster, Ireland
Sint Lucas Eindhoven, Netherlands
Quantum, Germany