Coaching & Supervision
Coaching is a structured dialogue about your challenges and goals. The coach asks questions that make it easier for you to find your own solutions. Coaching can be relevant both when things are going well (and there is a potential for much more), and when things are going less well.
The important thing is that coaching offers an individually tailor-made process that focuses on exactly your challenges and dreams and ensures that you gain a broader understanding of these challenges - an understanding which points towards new ways of action, as well as gain competences to actually take the desired steps.
We help you clarify dilemmas and challenge ideas that work as obstacles on the road.
We help you clarify your values and dreams based on the assumption that the more you know about where you want to get; the easier it is to find the roads leading there.
We support you in the exploration of your resources and past achievements and offer a dialogue on how to use these to move towards your goals.
We focus on engaging in dialogue with you about your strengths and goals as well as concrete dilemmas and challenges in relation to being a leader in your particular organisation. Through focusing on strengths and things that work well, rather than shortcomings, an appreciative and respectful basis for development and motivation is created.
Individual coaching can take many shapes depending on your concrete challenges and goals. The coaching sessions can focus on improving performance in a work-related area, on setting priorities, becoming assertive and managing stress in a busy work-situation, on clarifying future career ambitions or on finding the balance between work ambitions and personal needs and goals.
In Dialogue offers team coaching to support the team in reaching its full potential. The sessions will take different shapes depending on the needs of the team.
One possibility is to work with the team on developing a shared vision and a story about what the team is and how they will work towards their goals.
Another option is to work on building up good relationships among team members, by focusing on creating a personal feeling of appreciation and influence, and a feeling that everyone is empowered to take responsibility for constructive ways of dealing with differences of perspectives and competences. This is done through facilitating dialogue about what works well, what the common interests are, the role, strengths and competences of each team-member, and which new and improved options for action these stories create.
Thirdly the team-coaching can be task-related focusing on the tasks and strategies of the team, what works well and what can be changed to improve task-related interactions.
In Dialogue offers supervision/ intervision within a systemic, appreciative and narrative approach. Supervision/ intervision gives a group the space to reflect on their challenges on an ongoing basis.
The method is often applied within the social domain. Working with people in a difficult situation can be personally and emotionally challenging and there is the risk of burn out or of letting the work be influenced by personal issues. At the individual level supervision/ intervision can help the service provider/ social worker understand what happens in the meeting with the user of the service, what the evoked emotions are about, what the resources are as well as the possible strategies in the situation. At the group-level supervision/ intervision can help the group learn from each other, share knowledge, make their assumptions explicit, challenge practice and innovate and professionalize their work.
During the last years supervision/ intervision has proven a successful leadership-reflection tool, where groups of leaders meet in a safe space to reflect upon their leadership-challenges and learn about themselves as well as share knowledge with others.